We believe that the first step towards improving conditions for dogs and cats is spaying and neutering to decrease the number of unwanted animals. We work with the local vets to make spay and neuter both accessible and affordable.
We do this by offering weekly appointments in local Vet offices in three different towns and also by traveling into remote areas and setting up clinics to help control dog and cat populations in the more rural areas where veterinary care is not available.
We organized and subsidized the spay or neuter of over 2800 dogs and cats in 2021.
We organized and subsidized the spay or neuter of over 3300 dogs and cats in 2022.
We organized and subsidized the spay or neuter of over 3300 dogs and cats in 2023.
We organized and subsidized the spay or neuter of over 3000 dogs and cats in 2024.
For just $20 we can pay for a spay or a neuter surgery to help stop the overpopulation of unwanted dogs and cats.
Want to pay for a spay?
Want to pay for a spay?

PAWS is pleased to announce that in the last three years we have received $11,000 in grant money from SPCA International to help support our ongoing spay and neuter program. This grant money allowed us to spay/neuter approximately 700 dogs and cats in need in the community. Help Us. Help Them.